Despre Modelarea în Fizică – On the Modeling in Physics

Categorie: Etichetă:


ABSTRACT: The papers presents the author’s opinion on the fact that, the development of models in Physics follows a process taking place in various phases for a given adopted paradigm. The paradigms in their turn are defined by a set of fundamental characteristics considered for a physical system, called syzygies. The process of models building is therefore of fractal type, takes place step by step, being described by a certain transition matrix between phases. Even if the process is asymptotical, we can identify only the characteristics of the asymptotic state, but not a full description of the state itself. One consequence of such an approach is considered, in author’s opinion to be the convergence of the process describing the modeling of intersections of various parts of a universe (real or imaginary) and / or different universes. The modelling process proposed is relying on various assumptions, but mainly on the fact that the physics’ objects and its models are topological spaces. This approach may be also used to identify important issues for the study of energy and matter from Physics perspective. It is also proposed to consider the change of the scientific method paradigm “Discours sur la méthode” to “Discours sur la création de la réalité” as a guiding characteristic of the new approaches needed to unlock the present contradictions in the Physicsț models.
Key words: Models, Paradigms, Syzygy, Trans and Interdisciplinary Approaches, Fractals, Octonions, Topological Space, Physics, Beliefs




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